Sunday, July 09, 2006

Italy WINS the WORLD Cup

Can't believe my team just won the world cup! I am pumped. No I am not a bandwagon jumper. I have been cheering for them since college. When you have a roomate with the last name Spiridigliozzi and eating their amazing pasta you get converted.

Yes, yes people hate my team. Everyone hates the winner but this time they have good reason. Italy and Portugal are the two cheapest and dirtiest teams out there. I admit it. But the refs have to do a better job.

Speaking of cheap what about Zidane...he cost his team the WC. Why did he head butt him in the chest? A fist doesn't do anymore? Not that I am condoning what he did. But you got to admit even though it was cheap Materazzi helped Italy win. Zidane is their best player and best Penalty striker and he was taking a to be him. The goal was to win and Italy did...not England, not Germany, not France, not even the mighty Brazilians.

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