1st round recap:

REALLY TICKED Houston lost game 7 to the Utah Jazz. Come on McGrady get in the game...take it over, dominate. You should have stayed in Toronto with your cousin Vince you might have won a championship or at least been in the finals. But no you had to spread your wings and fly by yourself. Another guy tried that his name is Kobe...since Shaq left he has ZERO titles.

THOUGHT the Heat would have been better. I am a Bulls fan I just didn't think they could stop Wade. Bulls have tons of weapons.
THE KING is still in the building. LeBron is amazing...enough said.
SPURS KEEP winning. These guys has been here before and will be for a long while.
WHOEVER PICKED the Magic to beat the Pistons is crazy. Pistons showed their magic tricks are too many for Orlando.
SAD the Raptors season end but I knew Carter, Jefferson, and Kidd would be too much for the dinos. Coach Mitchell you did a great job...congrats on coach of the year! The Raps will be back next year in the playoffs winning round 1.
NOW, let's break down these round TWO 4 series.

As much as I love the Bulls I can't see them beating the mighty Pistons. You see Detroit has as many weapons as Chicago but they are more experienced and better weapons. I am cheering for the Bulls but I can't see them winning.
Detroit in 5

Basically LeBron is going to do like this picture tells you, "Get this crap out of here! This is MY kingdom."
Cavs in 5

The battle of the big boys...
The Suns who are ready to win a title. The Spurs who have already won a title. Nash vs Parker. Barbosa vs Ginobilli. Duncan vs Stoudimare.
This series is going the distance and home court might not mean as much as both teams can win on the road.
Suns in 7
I am jumping all over the Golden State bandwagon for this series. These guys are amazing. They are quick, can shoot the lights out, and they got tons of talent.
I might be feeling this way because I really don't like Utah but who cares. I believe in Golden State (until next round when they face a great team like Phoenix or San Antonio)
Utah isn't going to know what hit them as J Rich and Baron Davis fly by them for the posterizational plays.
Golden State in 6

Of course I could be wrong but I highly doubt it...leave a comment and prove to the world if you are correct.
Death to Dallas!!!!! Fire Avery and trade Dork Nowitzki fast. Golden state WILL win against Utah. T-mac is a looser!! He should retire and go on dancing with the stars
basketball sucks
Agreed on the East.
In the West, Utah in 6. They strolled into Houston and beat the Rockets, so they won't be as frazzled by the Golden State crowd. And GS is coming off quite a high beating the Mavs, there has to be some letdown.
And Spurs in 6. The Suns can't handle Duncan.
I said in the first playoff thread:
"...but Spurs over Pistons in 7 in the end."
I'll stick with that.
4 for 4.
As per my previous post:
"I said in the first playoff thread:
"...but Spurs over Pistons in 7 in the end."
I'll stick with that."
Yeah. Let's continue to stick with that.
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