Which is better, the CFL or the NFL?
Of course I could be wrong but I highly doubt it…
Let’s face it, the CFL sucks compared to the NFL. In the CFL there is lots of punting, they have the stupid goalposts at the beginning of the end zone, and lame rules regarding having a certain # of Canadians on each team. It’s a sub par league with sub par players.
For example:Casey Printers who was the league MVP went down to the NFL and held a clip board in
The NFL players are bigger, faster and more talented.
“What about Flutie and Garcia?” You might ask. Both born in American. Needed the “minor league” of the CFL to gain confidence and get some recognition.
Remember Rocket Ismail? If you are a CFL fan boy do you ever. If you are a NFL fan he is a hazed memory (some guy who made a roster for a couple years in
The best example for the CFL is Ricky Williams. Sure let’s talk about Ricky. Kids, this is exactly what happens if you live a life of drugs your life and career go down the drain. Ricky was declining at the time of this whole thing anyways and he’s “back” and eligible for the NFL and he’s not even on a roster. The sad part is he doesn’t care and is probably puffing up somewhere in la la land. And about Williams playing in
Imagine Peyton Manning calling audibles at the line of scrimmage and with a bigger field and end zone. Wayne and Harrison would be ripping it up even more.
All you Saskatchewan Roughrider fans, you are all jacked because you think your going to win the Grey Cup. Well I guess it is because you haven’t won since 1989 which is not bad if you are in the world cup of soccer but this league ONLY has 8 teams! (That’s only 2 divisions in the NFL) And everyone loves the fan support in
I know what you are going to say…the CFL game is more exciting and higher scoring. They don’t just pound the ball for 2-3 downs they actually throw the ball. The Colts last night put up 34 pts vs. the Saints and Peyton threw the ball 30 times and the RB’s of Indy ran it 29 times. In tonight’s CFL game the Stampeders QB Burris attempted 31 passes and the RB’s carried the rock 23 times.
There are a few things I do like about the CFL:
- Overtime format is exciting and fun to watch and be apart of.
- If I do have a favourite CFL team it’s got to be the Lions.
- They show all the games nowadays not just
- Their slogan years ago, “Our balls are bigger.”
- In the last two minutes of the game your team can possibly get the ball back twice.
Notice I have not talked about the hype or media coverage (or the poor job of filming the CFL from TSN) or the tailgate parties as any reasons for or against. I want to focus on the game and the players.
Make sure in your comments...you BRING IT! Don’t leave reason off the table.
You're opinions are poorly conceived, and horribly presented...Leave it at this, the NFL is THE league, the CFL is a different game, different quarks, still entertaining and STILL FOOTBALL, love both, ya the NFL is a better game, but don't let the fact that Printers can't make it in KC show that the CFL sucks, CFL and NFL are so different the QB's play a totally different game. Williams would have been a bust anywhere last year, we all know that...on of the best RB's in the CFL last year, Kenton Keith, looked pretty great Thursday night for the Colts in the few carries he got. The Lions D-End (name eludes me) from last year, wasn't the best D-End in the league, let alone on The Lions went down and made the Redskins 53 man roster this year, and how about BC losing this player good enough to be in the NFL, well they got a kid who's even better at playing D-End, IN THE CFL. They are different games, different styles, different players, why can't you love both? also, the full slogan was "We're longer, wider, and we've got bigger balls." I think they might have been forced to make a little less suggestive...though that's still my slogan.
All I need to know is - "ARE YOU A CANADIAN?" - EWS
I think 'shaggy' has got a point - the CFL and NFL are too different for comparison. For starters, the best players are going to go where they can get paid the most. So for that fact alone, the NFL will always have the best football players. It's like comparing the AHL to the NHL. The AHL is a good league with good players, but the BEST players play in the NHL.
That being said I love the CFL, and have never really gotten into NFL football. Why? Well it may be because I grew up without cable, so the only football I ever knew as a kid was CFL football.
So why do I now love the CFL? For sentimental reasons to start. The CFL is the oldest football league in the world. This year will be the 95th Grey Cup! For the NFL: 41st Superbowl.
Why does the CFL keep it's goalposts at the front of the endzone? Because the game of football originated from Rugby, which also has it's goalposts at the front of the endzone. It might not make much sense, however that's how the game originated, and they decided to keep that part the same.
The CFL also has a history of giving Black American players a chance to play professional football long before the NFL would follow suit.
What I love about the CFL game is that quarterbacks MUST be mobile to make it in the CFL game. If a quarterback is slow, or unable to take the ball and run - CYA! The game seems be played a bit more "from the hip", which I really enjoy! Do any NFL quarterbacks call their own plays?
I hope the CFL never changes their 3 down rule. There is great pace to the game, and if the score is tight - the winner is never a given until the final whistle blows.
How can you compare Rider fans to NFL fans? I'm sure there are American cities that have a bigger population then Saskatchewan! The fact is the entire province shows up for their Riders. That is special! Not to mention the support that province shows for their college team! Last years Vanier Cup game was played in Regina with -20c temps and a stadium full of fans!
The CFL is it's own thing, and either you love it or you don't. From my perspective, it's an entertaining brand of football that I think Canadians can be proud to call their own.
During the half time of the Argo's - Ticats game today they talked about this question. In the past there have been 8 international football games played. The first one was during WW2 - Canada vs. USA in England. It was call the "Tea Cup" I think. Canada won. For the other games check out this link: http://www.mmbolding.com/BSR/Candian_Football_League_vs_National_Football_League.htm
Suprising only the Ticats have ever beaten an NFL team.
I don't think the whole link made it in that post: try this out
I agree that the NFL and CFL are different, but to say that the NFL and the CFL are too different to compare is poorly conceived. If you believe that then you would also have to agree that Eurpoean Hockey and North Americian Hockey are too different to compare because of rule differences and rink sizing. Yet I know of no one suggesting that reasoning as to why one is better than the other.
Now that said, I am a CFL fan! Why becuase I was raised on it and I know it inside and out. I enjoy many of rules better, the last two minutes in particular. I hate the way they kill the clock in the NFL. I love 3 downs to get the 10. I even like the rouge! But while rules do affect the game, I do not think that they will win this agruement alone. Niether will history lessons. (Sorry, Jesse, cool facts and stuff, but the past is past, I am looking at the now)
The common agruement that alot of NFL QB's would have a hard time if they ony had 3 downs to get the 10 is also lame. Most of the QB's to play in the CFL have come from the States and made the transition from 4 downs to 3 with little trouble. Seems logical that the QB's of the caliber in the NFL would quickly adapt as well.
So some CFL boys made the NFL, what does that prove? How many players are in the CFL? I can promise you that 90% of them would run the the NFL if they could make it, not only for the money but because they know that is where the better game is with the best players in the world. Also Kenton Kieth went from being a go-to-guy in the CFL to a few carries? Please the resaon you get only a few carries is because you need to change things up. Now I am not sure becuase I have not researched it but I doubt he is in line to be the go-to-guy anytime soon. Addai had what, 23 carries and 118yds to Kieths 5 carries and 32yds. Please to use example is to prove the point for the NFL. To make either league means you have to be an above average player, of course some are going to make it from the CFL to the NFL. The fact remain that the better players are in the NFL or very soon to be in the NFL.
As for fan support well, I have been to a regular seson NFL game Hawks vs Bears, the hype and intensity of the fans was unbelievable.(for both sides) You could not help get swept away in it. I have also been the several CFL games. (in different cities even) The game that had the most intense fans was in BC place, it was Lou's last home game. Now if there was ever a time for the intensity to be at it's highest it was then. Lou even scored the winning touch down. It was great, I loved it, still daydream about it. Unfortently it was not even close to the same intensity as the Hawks game. The Hawks game was amazing I have never experienced anything like before or since.
I will not even go near the topic of T.V. coverage.
So as I stated before I am a CFL fan. I love the CFL and watch every game I can. I am proud of Canada's game. But all that said I have to admit that the NFL is the better game and product both on the field and for those off the field.
Clearly...this post is a sign of a poor lost soul who has sold his soul to the hype and flash of the amercian media. It's sad when this wandering spirit tries in vain to critized a sport without understanding either the game nor the history.
Yes the NFL is bigger... larger...faster...more money...etc etc etc. But come on there is 290 million americans verse 30 million Canadians. If the NFL received the same proportional turnout as even the lowest CFL team they would need stadiums that sat ove 500,000 people. DO the math.
The games are different. The only thing that makes the game simular is the fact that they are wearing simular helmets. So your arguments hold as much water as comparing the NFL with the NHL. At least there those reading would not be confused by the premise that the games are the same.
And so yes... I agree that the US game is faster stronger bigger more money more hype more fans...but it is not a better game
NFL cheerleaders are really boys in drag.
The fact that NFL players don't necessarily succeed in the CFL shows that the games are totally different.
So basically, your 'argument' comes down to the fact that the NFL has better players and that there's certain rules in the CFL that are different. That's all you've got?
Neither means that the NFL is a better game to watch. Quite simply, it's not. Anyone who submits to watching a 9-7 Baltimore-Cleveland game is absolutely nuts. And there's a heck of a lot of those.
In the end, what wrecks the NFL is actually your argument - yes, there's more talent. But on both sides of the ball. A force versus a force equals..... 9-7. Or better yet, 9-6.
Yes, the greater talent makes for some great plays. But that's what highlight packages are for. I do like watching the NFL, but it's because I like the game of football. But I'll watch US college football over the NFL.
Whoever believes that the NFL is a better game to watch is simply mesmerized by the hype machine. And yes, it needs to be mentioned in the argument. As does the "World Champions" tag. World Champions of American Football????? Seriously?!?!??!?
In the end, the only leg you're standing on is smacking the CFL. You don't say in any way why the NFL as a game is actually better. Come on!
Hmmm..... half my comment didn't show up......... well, I'll remember as I can.
Here's why the CFL is better.
- Ability to return missed field goals. THE most exciting play in football. If you miss a field goal in the CFL, it might cost you a touchdown.
-Rouges! No more needs to be said. Distinctly Canadian.
-You don't need to skip a mortgage payment to take your family to a game. Every CFL stadium has tickets at a decent price. It's a game for everyone, not just those who are better off. (Although the NFL is far better than the NHL, that's for sure....)
-Team loyalty. You don't see Roughrider fans wearing a Stampeder jersey. You don't see Tiger Cat fans wearing a Lion jersey. Why? Team bigamy in the CFL just isn't cool. You support your team, and while you may have begrudging respect for other teams and their players, that's as far as it goes.
-It's the last uniquely Canadian game. The NHL is American. Period. They do what the US wants.
-Larger field. Promotes a lot more offense, and creates a lot more trouble on defense. And with 3 downs, you can't just run it a few times to get a first down.
-The players agree. Every player that's gone from the CFL to the NFL has commented on how much fun they had in the CFL. They go to the NFL for money, and to play closer to home. Period. Not because the game is better.
-The Grey Cup trumps the SuperSnore. It's been around waaaaay longer, and the hype doesn't overshadow the game.
I don't hate the NFL. I watch it, and I do enjoy many of the games. But I'm not getting NFL Sunday Ticket to watch Buffalo and the NY Jets have a snoozefest. And for me, the NFL just has too many of those games, and that's why the CFL wins. For me, it's 1) CFL, 2) US College football, and 3) NFL.
Trev, what disappoints me about your blog is that you come off as a typical Canadian NFL snob. You don't really say why it's better, just that you think that the CFL sucks. When is the last time you've watched a CFL game?.....
Dave...you are hilarious and not in a good way. I have read you comment 3 times and still don't get what you are saying. You didn't make any pts but that I don't understand the history and crap like that. Dude you sound old because you are old. The fact is the NFL is a better product, game and entertainment value. I even asked friends what the heck was Dave trying to talk about? And they said, "I have no idea."
Kevin...nice one liner. You are right but you need to add to your statement. The "fact" that NFL players (who love drugs more than football) don't necessarily succeed in the CFL shows that the games are totally different.
Think about it for a minute. You know Carson Palmer or Peyton Manning would break every CFL passing record ever. Tomlinson and Gore would eat the defenses up. Chad Johnson and T.Owens would rip apart DB's while winning championships and making $30,000 CAD. Chicago and Baltimore defenses would destroy the Roughriders or the Eskimos offences. I haven't even talked about the coach either.
Some great pts there. But here's a few comments on your books.
1. Returning missed field goal pt was good until you said it's "THE most exciting play in football." If that is the most exciting play in the CFL...dude the CFL game sucks.
2. Mortage pt. Yes the NHL is the worst but you can get into a NFL game for $30 to $40. Not bad considering they only play 8 home games.
3. Team loyalty? Are you serious? The reason one cities fans don't where the other cities jersey is because hardly anyone where's jerseys to a game in the CFL. NFL on the other hand could be up to 50% for the home team jerseys.
3. Larger field is cool but having the stupid goal posts right in front of the endzone is idiotic. Some is going to run into it and get paralyized one day.
4. Funner? It's not a word. But the reason NFL players think that is because the CFL is a joke. There is no pressure there. Win or lose who cares? The NFL on the other hand, has the whole country watching.
5. Grey Cup is better...overall sure but not the last 5-10 yrs. Great Superbowls have happened.
6. Dude I hate to admit it but I watched a bunch of CFL games before the NFL began (so desperate for football I had to watch it). Watching that subpar league got me depressed and made me appreciate the elite league (NFL) more.
7. 9-7 Baltimore-Cleveland game. Didn't the CFL just have one of those games? Glad I didn't pay to watch a CFL game like that. More glad I didn't waste anytime watching that one on TV.
8. I want to watch the best players compete and battle it out. So everyone must agree the NFL wins that one hands down.
I believe my post had many examples, many facts and my opinion. I appreciated your books.
Trevor, Trevor, Trevor.
Try as you might, you still just sound like a hater. Point by point:
1. "dude the CFL game sucks."
Hater! Tell me one play that's more exciting in the NFL. The fair catch?
2. But where are you sitting for $30-$40? In the CFL, that's a decent seat. For $100, a family of four can get into a CFL game.
3. I am serious. Tell me..... how many non-Seahawks and non-Packers jerseys do you own? :) (did you feed the Vick one to a local dog yet? :-D) And while the CFL games in the past didn't have many people wearing team colours, that's changing - it's actually quite prevalent now. But you won't catch me with a Milt Stegall or Ricky Ray jersey on, no matter how much I respect them. (They play for the Winnipeg Blue Bombers and Edmonton Eskimos respectively. Look them up. Good players.)
3. "Some is going to run into it and get paralyized one day." It's never happened. Players have run into it, but paralyzed? Who exactly would go diving into the goalpost????
4. "Funner? It's not a word. But the reason NFL players think that is because the CFL is a joke. There is no pressure there. Win or lose who cares? The NFL on the other hand, has the whole country watching."
I read my post and I didn't use the word funner.... anyway, my point stands. NFL bound players say it's more fun to play in the CFL. The money grubbers hold clipboards in the NFL. What a rush! Do they enjoy that? Or would they rather get paid to "watch the best players in football" rather than playing?
5. Wow. You gave the CFL a point. Let's hold here for a moment and savour this rare and beautiful moment in time............
6. Hater!
7. The CFL did have one of those games. One. Not the 3-5 per week down south.
8. The top 5-7 on each NFL team would trump the top 5-7 on every CFL team. I will not dispute that. But the differences after that aren't as big as you think. And before you argue this, it's not a slam dunk that every NFL player would dominate the CFL.
Fun argument, but I'm not moving, and I doubt you are.
But here is my challenge to you. Tell us - and without dissing the CFL ONCE - what about the NFL game you like better. You are also not allowed to say that it's just better, and that there's better players. What about the NFL GAME itself draws you in so more intently than the CFL?
I meant a 9-7 Baltimore-49ers game.
You know, like the one that happened today that we were forced to watch due to insane NFL TV coverage distribution.
My mistake.
Again some good pts. I will meet your challenge: What I like about the NFL game over the CFL "game" is a few things:
1. Love the 4 downs. We aren't punting the ball after 2 failed plays. Granted the NFL runs the ball more over the course of the game. Here in BC the high schools have adopted the 4 down rule so they can be on offense longer I find it interesting that Canadian college/univ leagues use the CFL method. I love to see teams pound the rock. I don't like the style of the Bears or Ravens that pound the rock too much I love the balance. Like the Packers or the Colts or the Seahawks.
2. Fair catch rule. I love to see guys get leveled. Bad for the players good for entertainment. The no yard rule in the CFL bugs me because I feel there is a flag thrown on most kicks. Give them 5 yrds it that is the rule.
3. The goal posts are in the back of the endzone not right infront of the endzone. This causes big problems in on offense and defense.
4. The way you have to score a touchdown, field goal or safety to score. This kicking it through the endzone for one pt is absolutely ridiculous. Imagine for a moment if the Grey Cup was decided by kicking the ball through the endzone not the uprights.
That's all I can think of...oh yeah...the best thing still is the players are bigger, faster, and better.
Of course I could be wrong but I highly doubt it.
Dean I missed some of your stuff.
I own 6 NFL jersey's.
Tomlinson - SD
Alexander - Seattle
Harrison - Indy
Bush - New Orleans
S.Smith - Carolina
Favre - GB
I love the whole league. There is nothing wrong with that.
True you would never see me wearing an Blue Bombers Jersey with the "greatest" WR on it either. I think it would be hard to wear the BC Lions team too because it's the CFL and I would be embarassed.
3-5 9-7 pt games a week??? Come on Dean now you are overboard on this pt. Maybe it's because we have 30 teams and not 8 or is it 9 wait it's 8 again right? lol
If the CFL QB's are so talented why aren't they going to Chicago or Balt and changing it up? Because McNair and Griese are better than Ray and Dickerson. Printers is a great cause and point there. MVP to clip board to faking an injury back in the CFL.
One thing I have not decided on is which is better the bigger field or smaller field both have great positives and negatives.
Absolutely love this debate. So fun.
Thanks for your points. I'm starting to see why we see this differently. Myself, I can't stand the constant running. I like 3 downs because it heavily promotes a passing game. I'm not a big fan of the no yards, really, but I don't like the fair catch because I like to see the return.
On the goal post issue...... I've been watching the CFL for over 25 years now, and I've honestly seen it be a big issue a handful of times. And I happen to like the single point - it actually produces some interesting scenarios.
On the 9-7 game comment, I was less specifically referring to the scores, and more towards the yawn-ness of the game. The NFL just has a lot of snoozer games. Then again, when you're a fan of passing offenses, that's to be expected, I guess.
On the QB issue, I'm going to disagree here. There have been a few players that have done decently in both leagues, here's a few - David Archer, Tobin Rote, Warren Moon, Doug Flutie, and Jeff Garcia. The common thread? All of them were intelligent quarterbacks. They read defenses well and they were able to improvise when needed.
And that is one big difference between the leagues, and why not every NFL QB would succeed in the CFL. Other reasons?
The larger field. It's like the larger ice surface in hockey. The dimensions might not look that different, but having been at field level in both NFL and CFL stadiums, I can assure you, the difference between the goal lines is quite measurable. And NFL system QBs have a lot of trouble getting used to that. 110x65 is a lot bigger than 100x53.5.
The other thing you hear from ex-NFL QBs in the CFL is that they have trouble adapting to an extra DB. And combined with an extra large field where a sideline pass is a lot longer, that can cause serious problems.
Would McNair do well in the CFL? In his prime when he could save a broken play and adapt to his conditions, probably. Griese? Without a playbook and someone telling him what to do on every single play, he would get destroyed in the CFL. He wouldn't have 350 pound behemoths protecting him either.
So the Peyton Mannings of the world that are intelligent QBs that are able to use all of the players around them and read defenses would definitely succeed in the NFL. The Brian Grieses' and Philip Rivers' who can only "manage the game"? Not so much. The CFL QB doesn't have an arsenal of plays (did I hear right? The Redskins playbook is 700 pages????) and the ability to hand the ball off for 75% of the game. Much more is demanded of them.
Casey Printers sucks. I just wanted to throw that in. Buck Pierce and Jarious Jackson have proven that if you're playing in Wally Buono's system, you can be created into a QB. I would say that BC is the only CFL team that would play what is considered a more American style game.
Anyway, this is a great discussion. But where did everyone else go?
Everyone knows the CFL is for players who can't make it in the NFL.
~Phil Cann
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