A friend of mine (Rob) is moving to Edmonton. Only one problem, he is a PASSIONATE Calgary Flames fan. Living in the middle of enemy territory, the City of Champions. What shall he do, join his fellow Oiler fans or stand proud to be a Flames fan? The 80's rivalry between Edmonton and Calgary were fierce and as of late they have had similar success going to the Cup Finals and losing in Game 7 the last 2 yrs.
So here's the question: "Is it acceptable to change loyalities or alliances to other teams?"
Like is it okay for a Flames fan to change be come a Oiler fan?
What about a Dallas Cowboy fan becoming a Redskin fan?
A Habs fan into a Leaf fan?
Mancester United soccer fanantic converted into an Aresnel lover?
How about a Yankee fan changing alliances and cheering for the Boston Red Sox?
Bulls/Celtics fan enjoying their new team the Los Angeles Lakers?
Is it okay...WHY or WHY NOT...need some reasons my friends. Let the debate begin...
You stay true to who you love, thru think and thin. I'm a Canuck fan and i will always be a Canuck fan even if they suck like calgary or the leafs. I would still be a fan even if i lived in alberta and they hunted down all the Canuck fans i would still be a fan.
Remember this is not a YES or NO question. Anonymous #1.
Leave a reason why.
And leave your name...be a man.
Depends. For your friend, if he moves to Edmonton and becomes an Oiler fan, then he never was a true Flames fan. Why? No real Flames fan would change to the Oilers under ANY conditions. If he's considering the Oilers, he might as well cheer for them, because he obviously has no allegiance to break now.
If your team moves cities, it's acceptable. I was a Jets fan until they moved to Phoenix. While there's still a soft spot there for them, I cannot in good conscience cheer for them. Same for a Nordiques, Grizzlies, or North Stars fan.
But...... I changed to the Stars. No self respecting Jets fan could change to the Oilers, and even the Flames is a bit of a question mark. Just too much history there.
If you're tired of cheering for a team that kills you every year, one that saps you of your love for the sport, I think it's ok as well, but ONLY if you change to a team that isn't an acknowledged rival, and ONLY if you completely abandon the old team - ie. you'd cheer for the new team over the old team in the Cup final with no reservations.
With this, if your friend was moving to, say, New York, it would be relatively acceptable for him to dump the Flames for the Rangers. But for the Oilers? No. Under no circumstances would that be ok for a Flames fan - even if the Flames folded.
I would have to say stay true to your team. I am a die hard fan of the teams I love. After being a Canucks fan though the 80's I have proven over and over that I will stay true even in the tough times. I have to agree that if you switch teams, more importantly to a conference revial, you were most likely never a true fan. While I feel for Rob being a Flames fan, (my most hated team)if he sticks to his team, I have great respect for that. Nothing is worse than a band wagon jumper or some one that changes teams to fit in.
I do admit that if your team moves that is a different story, but I as I say your moving should have no impact.
Well well, lets see, regardless of where you are cheering for the flames is wrong...haha! No Offence to Rob. Umm if you are changing your place of residence I think it would ok to switch alliances in this case however I dont see how that can happen, the flames and the OIL are huge rivals and you cant simply drop your allegiance to "your" team it would be like me moving to Boston and becoming a RedSox fan (which would never happen)... It depends on the circumstance, in Rob's case it cant work...
Vote 1 Yes. If your convictions say to, do it. You'll take flack either way. K I admit it I'm a flopper, so maybe I'm biased.
I am an ex-Canucks fan who does not hate the Canucks. I have nothing against the team (players/management - well except maybe Noonis now). Mine was the ownership of Orca Bay as they took over from the Griffiths and stopped caring about the fans the way the previous ownership had. Okay so you will say hockey is a business and I conceed it always was but before Orca Bay - people were allowed to do their jobs they were hired (w/o people hanging over there shoulders and telling them what to do), when there was a community event the whole team showed up (and was required to according to their contracts), and inspite of the loosing cheering for the players was like rooting for your big brother. (who knows hopefully the new ownership will bring some of this back, but I am gone.)
Who do I like? The Carolina Hurricanes. I switched while they were still the Hartford Whalers and the only thing that kept them from not making the playoffs were the Nordiques. Why you ask well 3 reasons (I was a teen): 1) Gordie Howe played for the Whalers and I wouldn't be disowned by my father (his approval mattered - though he thought it was a ludicrous choice), 2) Brian Burke got his first GM job and was the assitant to Pat Quinn in Van at the time & 3) (which was more of a confirmation) they made 2 big trades 1 with NJ (got Burke, Weinrich for Holik) and the other with ST Louis (got Chris Pronger by trading up at the draft).
Since then I've supported a team that one year lost all the games AND the 1st pick overall in the lottery draft. Watched televised games where the number of fans watching the game could have fit in my living room (in Raleigh and watching it on tv). Yet I 2 times got to cheer them in the cup final and this year I got experience something never before - that confusion when the seconds count down and the rush as you see your favourite player lift that cup over his head (I was surprized it took that long for the experience to kick in).
I just came across your site, and I am a big hockey fan... so to answer your last question:
I think that Ottawa followed by Montreal have the best chance to win the cup of the Canadian teams and Vancouver and Calgary have the least chance.
I know it sounds crazy - Ottawa with the record they have thus far, but remember what happened to the defending division leading Vancouver Canucks when they had a bad year squeaking into the playoffs in 94.
Having said that, go Canucks go.
As for this blog question. Your friend should stick with Flames.
A TRUE fan would not change loyalties. A bandwagon jumper might.
therefore the true test is how loyal you are to your team. do you love them, or do you just have a crush on them. there's a big difference
Oz get's the record for the most ( ) in a comment.
I think it's ok because it's only sports. It's not like going out on your wife or leaving the faith.
That being said, I will be buried in a Oiler jersey.
5 cups.
Learn to love the Oilers, Petkau!!!
Great game last night.
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