A friend of mine (Rob) is moving to Edmonton. Only one problem, he is a PASSIONATE Calgary Flames fan. Living in the middle of enemy territory, the City of Champions. What shall he do, join his fellow Oiler fans or stand proud to be a Flames fan? The 80's rivalry between Edmonton and Calgary were fierce and as of late they have had similar success going to the Cup Finals and losing in Game 7 the last 2 yrs.
So here's the question: "Is it acceptable to change loyalities or alliances to other teams?"
Like is it okay for a Flames fan to change be come a Oiler fan?
What about a Dallas Cowboy fan becoming a Redskin fan?
A Habs fan into a Leaf fan?
Mancester United soccer fanantic converted into an Aresnel lover?
How about a Yankee fan changing alliances and cheering for the Boston Red Sox?
Bulls/Celtics fan enjoying their new team the Los Angeles Lakers?
Is it okay...WHY or WHY NOT...need some reasons my friends. Let the debate begin...