Now I understand that home ice/field/court advantage is valuable but how valuable is it?

Pacers guard Reggie Miller loved to play on the road. He felt he played better. No one knows that better than the Knicks.
Pittsburgh beat the Colts on the road in the dome to go to the Superbowl.
Sure the Carolina Hurriances won game 7 at home but if Roloson was healthy they would have won game 7 actually Edmonton would have won the series quicker than that.
Great players got to be great no matter if they are at home or away?
Going to the Seattle Seahawks game on Sept 24th showed what it's like when 68,000 fans go crazy. I saw first hand what the noise can do to disrupt a team as the Giants Eli Manning was having a hard time calling plays. That's why Seahawk fans are called the 12th man. Seattle went up 42-3 by the end of the 3rd q. But in the fourth qtr it was still loud and Eli threw 4 TD passes and the crowd was still tough.
What do you think?
Slightly off topic...
I believe that Vancouver fans in the city of Vancouver are Canuck fans, NOT hockey fans. I can't believe how many Alex Burrows jerseys I've seen lately. Which proves to me that people in Vancouver don't know the game, they know the team. Not knocking Burrows but come on.
So if the team starts sliding, Canuck fans in Vancouver have no "big picture" to step back and look at. They get REALLY excited when the Canucks win and BLAME everyone if they lose.
Being a chiropractor is big $$ in Vancouver because of all the people who jump on and off the bandwagon.
I believe the root issue is how image based Vancouver is. They need the validation of success to feel their investment of time and/or dollars is warrented.
I can't believe there aren't more comments on this topic.
Was my comment THAT good that you all just ran away and hid??
Just cuz you pushed my Canes button - weren't Carolina UP (as in WINNING) when Rolo the goalie went down? And everything in my observation capabilities showed BOTH teams were skating pretty evenly. I love how people try to make excuses for Edmonton when the truth is - when push came to shove they didn't put out what was necessary to be holding the cup.
Oh yeah the TOPIC that was being discussed. Yes crowd pumped up players in A GAME (as in single game) but overall consistency is based on personal player effort!
Oh and btw Bert didn't suck his numbers WERE CONSISTENT with his whole career, where did the Bert hating begin?!?
The games way tied when Rolo went down. Carolina wasn't winning. Remember, it was going to OT when Conklin decided to be a 13th forward and forgot to stay in the net.
Guess Paul and I are the only commenters hmmm where is everyone on this topic?
Its huge - the crowd in Carolina is starting to die down since its cup win this summer (fairweather friends I guess) and to be honest with all the changes the team has not been spectactular - they got their first win last night (YAY TEAM). I can't say its all the fans that make a team since several small market teams in the states have won in the past WITHOUT the fans - TB, Carolina, Anaheim.
Team neet fan support I'm not saying no fans, but they also need to have leadership that allows them to come to the front when the fans leave them. (THIS IS NOT A POTSHOT) look at our Canadian teams and of all of them Montreal and Edmonton can probably rate in the top LOUDEST fans in the league though no top 10 finish for either team. I wouldn't say what either team has is junk at all just great fans with a great core of guys who (well look at Edmonton) with a little push from within can go far.
ps thanks for the correction paul
I am very sad to say that Calgary fans are way more dedicated to the Flames than I am to the well as anyone I know. Any home here has pictures of the Flames on their fridges, buisness men wear jerseys to the office on game day, and the newspaper puts them on the front page......don't worry, I am in no way going to become a Flamer, but it makes me sad that Vancouver has so many bandwagon jumpers.... I still have my Bure jersey!
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